Let's Roll

You’ve landed on this page
because you’re ready to
explore teaming up.

Or you mistakenly
clicked the wrong link.

Either way…

let’s connect to see what
Mischief we can make together.

Instead of filling out some
long and annoying form, just
drop us an email or a text.

Let's Roll

You’ve landed on this page
because you’re ready to
explore teaming up.

Or you mistakenly
clicked the wrong link.

Either way…

let's connect to see what
Mischief we can make together.

Instead of filling out some
long and annoying form, just
drop us an email or a text.



CEO + co-founder


626.394.2274 (mobile)

Yep, we’re different enough
to put our CEO’s actual mobile
number on our website.

Kinda tells you everything
you need to know,
doesn’t it?

Challenge everything, assume nothing.”

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